Blackjack Rule Differences – How They affect the House Edge

One of the biggest things that beginning blackjack players should know is that blackjack rules aren’t always the same in every casino. And this is the case even if you’re playing the exact same game of ’21’ in different casinos. The main reason why casinos change rules is to increase their house edge over the player. With this being the case, it’s really important that you understand how the different rule changes can alter your chances of winning. The following will show the main rules that are changed, and keep in mind that you may find none or all of these rule changes in effect. Continue reading “Blackjack Rule Differences – How They affect the House Edge”

Single Deck Blackjack Advantages and Disadvantages

Single deck blackjack has often been looked at as the holy grail of the game because it offers players the best chance to win profits. In fact, the house edge is just 0.15% when players stick to blackjack games with a single deck. With this being the case, you’d think that single deck blackjack is the greatest thing ever. However, there are actually some disadvantages to the subject as well, which is covered below along with single deck blackjack advantages. Continue reading “Single Deck Blackjack Advantages and Disadvantages”